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I have one love -------徐志摩

I have one love

我有一个爱──           I have one love
我爱天上的星星;          I love stars in the sky    
我爱它们的晶莹:          I love their shine
世间没有这异样的神明。       People don't have such unusual bright

在冷峭的暮冬的黄昏,        In the dusk of the cold winter evening
在寂寞的灰色的清晨,        In the lonely gray morning
在海上,在风雨后的山顶──     On the sea
永远有一颗,万颗的明星!      On the mountaintop after rain and wind
山涧边小草花的知心,        There are one...thousands of star
高楼上小孩童的欢欣,        The intimate of grass and flowers by the mountain side
旅行人的灯亮与南针──       The joy of children upon the tower
万万里外闪烁的精灵!        The light and compass of  travellers
                  Fairies  twinkling around here

我有一个破碎的魂灵,        I have a broken fetch
像一堆破碎的水晶,         Like a a heap of cracked crystals
散布在荒野的枯草里──       Spread in the wilted hay of the wold--

饱啜你一瞬瞬的殷勤。        Sipping your flash of complaisance
人生的冰激与柔情,         Apartness and heartthrob of your life
我也曾尝味,我也曾容忍;      I have  suffered and bear
有时阶砌下蟋蟀的秋吟,       Sometimes the cry of crickets under sidestep
引起我心伤,逼迫我泪零。      Can make me upset and weep
我袒露我的坦白的胸襟,       I reveal my breadth of mind
献爱与一天的明星:         Love with all stars in the sky
任凭人生是幻是真,         they will be there for ever
地球存在或是消泯──        No matter where the earth is...

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